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[其他] Have a decent team that can be quite a blast to play with for FIFA 23

[其他] Have a decent team that can be quite a blast to play with for FIFA 23

And, even better, Nations to Watch players don't need to be picked for the national team to be upgraded FIFA 23 Coins, meaning that even if Gabriel Jesus somehow doesn't make the Brazil squad and his countrymen score an upset in Qatar and win, the Arsenal striker will still receive an extra +1.

It is also important to note the fact that Ones to Watch players do not get upgrades based on other promotional cards. Therefore, if Tyler Adams gets some sort of wild 90+ card in April , in the new promotion called Factsmashers or something else it is, his OTW won't be upgraded in line with the promo. (Sorry Tyler. If this helps you feel better, then you're in the pre-orders of everyone's OTW package.)

The unusual market for transfers of last year's behavior meant it was usually practical and cost-effective to include good promotional players to your team, even within a couple of days of their debut. This could prove to be the case in FIFA 23 however at present, the top Ones to Watch players are likely cost you a significant cost. Since they've been given no updates at all and are not receiving any upgrades, it's hard to suggest spending coins on them.

At the lower end of the spectrum, Nico Schlotterbeck from Borussia Dortmund is averaging around 14k coins that's only 4k more than the price he is selling for. He's a good starter centre-back, but he doesn't possess the sought-after "long" running style, and despite Dortmund's inconsistent form, it's easy to see that he will be a candidate for his Wins to Watch upgrade in the next few weeks.

Despite the recent woes they have experienced on the field, Juventus still have a decent team that can be quite a blast to play with for FIFA 23.

After 10 years of dominance, Juventus fans are in a an impasse, with the club struggling to be competitive during recent years cheap FUT 23 Coins. However, that doesn't mean they don't have plenty of talent in their ranks but with players like Chiesa, Pogba, and Vlahovi? each of them offering plenty of reasons for players to pick Juventus in FIFA 23.

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